{ Idea Fest Journey }

Journey of an aspiring Student Entrepreneur
From Idea to Startup

Submit your idea

Aspiring student innovators can apply for ideafest in the portal through the link here

Initial Screening and selection

Submitted ideas will be screened and valid ideas will be selected for next phase

Pre incubation Programme

Selected students will be taken through the 3 months pre incubation programme

Pitching & Grant Release

Funding support upto Rs 2 Lakhs shall be extended to selected participants. Mentorship and technical support shall be extended to all participants.

About Idea Fest

A journey to
identify, nurture and support aspiring innovators from higher education and medical education institution

IDEA Fest provides student innovators an opportunity to be part of a structured programme and pitch in front of the expert panel by presenting their ideas and can avail Grants upto 2 Lakhs, get Mentorship Support, Lab Supports, and other Product Development Supports from KSUM.